Asian Handicap prediction Andrey Nazarov: Odzhik was considered the favorite of all women in Canada. He was a magnificent fighter with an iron fist, he became Bure`s personal guard, in fact

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asian handicap information Andrei Nazarov reacted to the news of the death of Gino Odzhik.

Former Vancouver tough guy, cause of death was a heart attack. In 2014, the former NHL player was diagnosed with an incurable disease - amyloidosis (a protein metabolism disorder). Its consequence is abnormal protein deposits in the heart.

Of course, I knew Gino Odjick. He was a great Canadian fighter with a strong punch and a fist of steel. In fact, Gino became the personal security guard of my good friend Pasha Bure, protecting him on the ice. Odzhik was considered the favorite of all Canadian women at that time.

I remember one story. My San Jose, for which I then played, won big against Vancouver. In theory, Gino was supposed to cut my hat off, but, luckily for me, our shifts didn`t overlap at that time. Odzhik was already a professional and experienced fighter, and I was a very young guy. I was not ready for battle at that time. After the game, we had a warm conversation with Gino and Pasha and laughed.

What else can I say about Odzhik? A cheerful and cool guy, one of the best tough guys of the 90s, when in the NHL, in fact, the institution of tough guys officially existed. With his charisma and memorable behavior. It`s a pity that such people leave, I offer my condolences, " said the former coach of Sochi.
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